1.3.1 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish the process by which appointments will be made to and approved by the UETN Governing Board.
1.3.2. Policy
The Policy Committee of the UETN Board will maintain a consistent, engaged and qualified roster of members for UETN’s Board and Councils.
1.3.3. Responsibilities
The Policy Committee gathers and recommends the names of highly qualified prospective Board and Council members, cognizant of the Board’s policy to represent the communities served by UETN and the candidate’s suitability for the role. The Policy Committee annually reviews the composition of the Board and Councils and recommends changes, if necessary, to the UETN Board.
For a position on the UETN Board, the Policy Committee is responsible for liaising with the appointing entity (e.g., Commissioner, the Governor, etc.) to identify a qualified individual for the Board.
For an Advisory Council position, the Advisory Council is responsible for recommending a qualified individual to the Policy Committee. The Policy Committee will bring their recommendation to the Board for approval.
1.3.4. Procedure
(Procedures may be changed by the Executive Director.)
To determine whether a candidate is highly qualified for a position on the Board or an Advisory Council, the Policy Committee will consider the following questions:
Is the individual employed by one of the organizations served by UETN?
Would the unique experiences and perspectives of the appointee contribute to UETN’s decision-making, innovation and mission to serve all Utahns?
Do they hold credentials and professional expertise in one or more of UETN’s areas of focus such as education, technology, broadcasting, library science or healthcare?
Will the appointee convey UETN issues to the constituent group they represent and bring forward the concerns and perspectives of that constituency to UETN?
When possible, can they work with other leaders to benefit UETN operations, such as representing UETN at legislative meetings under the direction of the Executive Director?
Are they able to fulfill the standards and duties established by the UETN Board?
Are they able to prepare for and regularly attend meetings?
For a position on the UETN Board: the Policy Committee will liaise with the appointing entity (e.g., Commissioner, the Governor, etc.) to identify a qualified individual for the Board.
- For an Advisory Council position, the Policy Committee will receive a recommendation for a qualified individual from the Advisory Council and bring forward the recommendation to the Board for appointment.
1.3.5. References
1.3.6. Definitions
“Advisory Council” means the UEN Advisory Council and Telehealth Services Advisory Council.
“Appointing Entity” means the organization or individual described in state law as responsible for appointing an individual to the UETN Board or its Councils. In the case of a Council, the appointing entity is the Board.
“Board” means the UETN Governing Board. Members are designated in state law (UCA 53B-17-105) and intended to be representative of the broader community served by UETN.
“Council” has the same meaning as Advisory Council.
“Policy Committee” means a committee of the UETN Governing Board assigned to provide recommendations for Board and Council appointments. (See Committee Policy)
1.3.7. Policy History
Board Approval date: 02.14.2025
Next scheduled review: 2029
Previous Reviews/Actions: 06.14.2024
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