Committees of the Board Policy


The purpose of this policy is to describe Committees of the UETN Board, including their function, roles and responsibilities. This general description applies to all Committees established by the UETN Board.

Statutory Reference

The UETN Board may establish policies they determine are necessary for the operation of UETN and execution of the UETN’s duties (UCA 53B-17-105(7)(e). In doing so, the Board has determined that Committees will assist in discharging its responsibilities and enhance the Board’s effectiveness. The number and type of committees may change over time as determined by the Board.


Committees contribute specialized knowledge and experience to enhance the Board’s work. Unlike the broad representation of a Council, a Committee of the Board focuses on a singular issue or represents a specific UETN service or constituency.

Committees serve in an advisory capacity. No official action other than for minutes of its meeting may be taken by a Committee of the Board. Committees may receive assignments from the Board or Advisory Councils and may recommend items to be addressed by the Advisory Councils and Board.

Committee members are expected to remain active, informed and knowledgeable about the laws, regulations, business environment and business activities that affect its responsibilities.


The Committees may include Board members, community members, or others with professional or subject matter expertise in the Committees’ area of focus, while striving for representation among all ethnic, gender, abilities, geographic, status and age groups. Committee members may come from peer organizations outside of Utah.

Appointment to Committees is at the discretion of the UETN Executive Director. Members of the Board and/or Advisory Councils may serve on Committees and may be appointed Chair or Vice Chair. The Board will annually review the effectiveness and member composition of each Committee.

Chair and Vice Chair

Committee Chairs may be appointed annually by the UETN Board Chair. Each Committee may also annually elect a Vice Chair among its membership to serve in the Chair’s absence. The Chair may be appointed to subsequent terms at the discretion of the UETN Board Chair.


The Committees will establish their own schedule and agenda, meeting no less than one time every three months. The Chair or Chair’s designee will regularly report the Committee’s activities to the UTN Advisory Council or UEN Advisory Council.


Committee Members may resign by providing written notice to the UETN Executive Director. Committee members no longer affiliated with the group they represent (e.g., retirement, job change) may become ineligible to continue to serve on the Committee, as determined by the Executive Director. Committee members may be retained, replaced or removed at the discretion of the UETN Executive Director.


The UETN Executive Director will appoint staff to support the Committees in their work.


Finance Committee

In addition to the Policy for all Committees of the Board, the Finance Committee will:

  1. Assist the Advisory Councils and UETN Board in their financial responsibilities.
  2. Maintain an understanding of and communicate information about UETN finances to the Advisory Councils or Board.
  3. Assist with preparation of the UETN legislative budget request.
  4. Provide advice to assist in the preparation of annual budgets.
  5. Review KUEN’s annual financial report and audit.
  6. Follow practices of the University of Utah, administrative manager as contemplated in Utah Law UCA53B-‐17-‐102(2) whose fiscal year begins July 1 and ends June 30.

Policy Committee

In addition to the Policy for all Committees of the Board [link], the Policy Committee will:

  1. Assist the Advisory Councils and UETN Board in their governance responsibilities.
  2. Maintain an understanding of and communicate information about UETN policies to the Advisory Councils or Board.
  3. Review proposed new policies and proposed revisions to current policies, advance proposed policy action to the Councils or Board for consideration.
  4. Advise the Board Chair on the nomination of Council and Committee members.
  5. Produce a report for the Board each year describing the membership of its Committees and Advisory Councils.
  6. Follow policies of the University of Utah, administrative manager as contemplated in Utah Law UCA53B-‐17-‐102(2), the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and other regulations and policies applicable to UETN.

Technology Advisory Committee

In addition to the Policy for all Committees of the Board [link], the Technology Advisory Committee will:

  1. Assist the Advisory Councils and UETN Board in their technology responsibilities.
  2. Maintain an understanding of and communicate information about technological advancements and issues.
  3. Assist with the preparation of technology plans, grants and forecasts.
  4. Provide advice to other committees on considerations related to technological issues.
  5. Review and report on performance of the network.
  6. Follow policies of the University of Utah, administrative manager as contemplated in Utah Law UCA53B-‐17-‐102(2), federal Universal Service programs, and other technology regulations applicable to UETN.  

Adopted: February, 2024

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