2.1.1. Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all members of the public have an equal opportunity to address the Board and reaffirm the Board’s commitment to services informed by public input.
2.1.2. Policy
Meetings of the UETN Governing Board and Advisory Councils are open to the public. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held via videoconferencing and in person at Dolores Dore Eccles Broadcast Center, University of Utah, 101 Wasatch Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. The Board and Advisory Councils will follow the adopted procedure for public comment at their open meetings. From time-to-time meetings may be closed in accordance with state law for reasons that will be listed on the agenda prior to each meeting.
2.1.3. Responsibilities
The Executive Director is responsible for advising the UETN Board Chair on this policy, and for supervising the Board Secretary for scheduling and minutes of the open meeting.
The UETN Board Chair is responsible for conducting meetings in compliance with the policy and advising members of the public if they are in non-compliance.
The UETN Board Chair is responsible to delegate the same authority to Advisory Council chairs during their meetings.
2.1.4. Procedure
(Procedures may be changed by the Executive Director.)
The Board will set aside time on their meeting agenda for public comment.
Individuals wishing to make public comment at the meeting must contact the Board Secretary Denise Elwood, at 801-581-3099 or delwood@media.utah.edu, prior to the meeting.
Commenters may register using their name or remain anonymous, substituting a general marker (e.g., Person A).
The public comment period will be limited to ten minutes but may be extended at the discretion of the Board Chair.
Each person wishing to make a public comment is limited to 2 minutes and is limited to speaking just once. Written comments may also be submitted online and sent to the Board Chair or designee to convey to the Board, at the Chair’s discretion.
Comments should be limited to matters over which UETN has authority, but as a public service organization the Board will receive comments about any topic even if that topic is not on the meeting agenda.
While addressing the Board it is requested (though not required) that the Commenter state their name and topic before speaking. Alternatively, Commenters may remain anonymous or substitute a general identifier (e.g., Person A).
Speakers will be courteous in their language and presentation.
Only one speaker will be acknowledged at a time. Groups should designate a spokesperson to express the group’s comments.
At the discretion of the Board Chair, a topic raised by the public may be discussed during an open meeting, even if the topic raised by the public was not included in the meeting agenda. UCA 52-4-202(6)(b). Only items set forth on the agenda can be acted upon by the Board.
The Board will not respond to questions during the meeting but may follow up with an emailed response.
People exhibiting disruptive behavior to the extent that orderly conduct is seriously compromised will be removed from the meeting. (UCA 52-4-301).
2.1.5. References
Utah Open and Public Meeting Act (UCA 52-4-1)
Communications Act of 1943, as amended (47 U.S.C. §151 et seq)
Public Broadcasting Act (47 U.S.C. § 396)
2.1.6. Related UETN Policies
2.1.7. Definitions
“Advisory Council” means the UEN Advisory Council and Telehealth Services Advisory Council. For brevity, references to “Board” shall include “Councils” in this policy.
“Agenda” means the topics slated for Board discussion and action during their meeting. Agendas will be posted 24 hours before each meeting.
“Board” means the UETN Governing Board. Members are designated in state law (UCA 53B-17-105) and intended to be representative of the broader community served by UETN. For brevity, “Board” shall include “Councils” in this public comment policy.
“Comment” means an oral statement provided by a member of the public wishing to express their views to the UETN Board. Written comments for the Board may also be submitted online and will be forwarded to the Board chair or designee to summarize or convey in a meeting at their discretion.
“Commenter” means a named or anonymous individual wishing to express their views to the UETN Board. Commenters wishing to remain anonymous may substitute a general marker (e.g., Person A).
“Councils” means both the Telehealth (UTN) Advisory Council and the Education (UEN) Advisory Council.
2.1.8. Policy History
Board Approval: 02/14/2025
Next scheduled review: 2029
Previous Reviews/Actions: 02-11-2022 | 12-06-2024
Have questions or need help? Please contact us.
101 Wasatch Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Weekdays: 8am to 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed